best dentist in K P H B Phase 9, Hyderabad, dentist in K P H B Phase 9, Hyderabad
Dr. Bhanusri.K, ('MDS') is one of the reputed doctors in Telangana, India
Specialist/Center: - Dental surgeon M.D.S.
Experience : 9+ years
Dr. Bhanusri.K's clinic offers these services:
-Root canal treatment
-Dental crowns/caps
-Pediatric dentistry
-Dental braces
-Dental Implants
-Smile Correction
-Oral maxillofacial Surgery
-Jaw Problems
-Gum Problems
-Teeth Building
Doctor provides In-Clinic Consultations for which Appointments can be booked easily by phone call. Doctor welcomes patient queries and clarify their doubts.
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