The Paradox of Writing in Doctoral PhD Dissertations

A brief guide to understanding the paradox of writing your Ph.D. dissertation. Find out how you figure out the paradox of writing a PhD dissertation

The Paradox of Writing in Doctoral PhD Dissertations


There is no lie that writing a PhD dissertation can be difficult at times. This is because sometimes the writers can think of interesting ideas but unfortunately, those ideas do not come out on the paper. So, in this blog, you will understand what a paradox is. Moreover, you will learn how writing a PhD dissertation can turn into expressing yourself as well as a big headache.

1. Definition of Paradox:

You know this happens normally with people that they feel frustrated when they have to do nursing dissertation writing. In other words, you can have so many interesting ideas running in your mind but when you come to write them, nothing comes out. This can happen to anyone. Writing helps you understand your research better. However, it also can make you feel lost in your own thoughts.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

Moreover, this can also happen that when you write, you can experience a lot of emotions. One moment you can be full of emotions and ideas to write, but the second moment, you are staring at the blank page wondering how to make the words come out of your brain onto the paper that is staring back at you. In short, it is completely okay to feel both joy and frustration when you are supposed to write a PhD Dissertation. Take it as a part of the process.

2. The Challenges of Writing a Dissertation

Overwhelm of Scope

One big problem that PhD students have to see is to think about how much information they should write in the PhD dissertation. It is fine if you go deep into the topic, however, you also need to be careful that you do not lose track. In other words, you need not add irrelevant data to your Ph.D. dissertation.

Imposter Syndrome

When you have to write such a big project like a Ph.D. dissertation, then it is completely normal that you experience imposter syndrome. Now, you must be wondering what imposter syndrome is. So let me tell you, it means that you doubt your own abilities. You may be a pro at something but you doubt yourself that you will not be able to write anything about it.

Isolation in the Writing Process

When you are writing something you need time with yourself. This is because you have to focus on the writing. However, this can often make you feel isolated from the world. As a result, your mental health will be affected. For such a situation, it is really important that you come out of it by talking to friends or family.

3: The Writing Process

Stages of Writing

Okay, now I will tell you about the writing process which is involved in the PhD dissertation. This has a few steps that you need to understand carefully so that you can write a perfect PhD dissertation. The stages are: drafting, revising, and in the end, polishing it up by improving the draft. Okay, so remember that each stage will make you feel that you are facing a new challenge. However, you need to remember that this is how it is going to be and this is how you have to work on it if you want a perfect PhD dissertation.

Dissertation Structure

Now, let me tell you about the standard format for the PhD dissertation. The format is pretty simple like every other dissertation. Let me clearly tell you. It includes starting with an introduction, literature review, methodology, and results, and ending in a conclusion. So, this structure will help you organize your thoughts. However, it can sometimes make you feel restricted. But do not worry about that. You can add your own voice and a personal touch to make it stand among all the dissertations.

Writing Blocks

Well, writing blocks happen to everyone who writes a lot. So, you need not to worry about that. It is okay when this happens that when you sit down to write, your brain freezes. Writing is monotonous work so it often is boring. But having writer’s block can make you feel that you are living a nightmare. However, my advice is that you should not fret over it. You can try taking a break, going out for a walk, or changing your environment for a while. This will help you give a fresh perspective.

4: Finding Clarity When In Confusion

Writing as a Tool for Understanding

Okay, so this is going to sound a bit strange. But you must know that writing can actually help you understand the topic better. So when you put your thoughts on the paper, you will be able to find out more new connections and insights. So I think you should not be afraid to write ideas down on paper.

The Role of Feedback

Also, be real and ask for feedback from your friends and family. If you get the feedback from the trustworthy people, you will be able to look at the mistakes that could have gone unnoticed. This will help you write and improve your draft. So this will make you able to create a perfect PhD dissertation. The professionals are there for people who are unable to work on their PhD dissertation. This is a nursing dissertation writing service that can help you whenever you want to get their help or buy nursing dissertations.

5: Strategies for Successful Writing

Setting Realistic Goals

It is important that you make small goals for your PhD dissertation. You can divide the project into small achievable tasks. And work on them one by one. This will let you focus on your PhD dissertation in a way that you will not be rushing in the last hour.


In a nutshell, it is true that the paradox of writing a PhD dissertation can happen to anyone. Also, it is a hundred per cent right when I say that it can be challenging as well as a rewarding experience. So, you should accept and feel the ups and downs and the highs and lows. Also, do not worry and ask for help from the professionals who are there to help you whenever you want.

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